Privacy Policy

The information we collect

We believe it’s important for you to know what types of information we collect when you use our site. The information includes your Email, Name, Company Name, Street Address, Post Code, City, Country, Telephone Number, Password and so on. We collect this information in several different ways; to begin with, we use cookies that are needed to compile and aggregate non-personally identifiable information about the visitors to our web site. Personally identifiable information consists of information that is unique to you, such as credit card number and bank account numbers. The information is unique to you.

What kind of email do you send to the customer?

We send email content to our customers that may include following:
Transaction mail, Shipping notification, Weekly deal, Promotion, Activity.

Privacy Security

We will not sell (or trade or rent) personally identifiable information to other companies as part of our regular course of business. We use the latest in encryption technology, and all employees that we do hire have to sign a confidentiality agreement that forbids them from disclosing any information to which the employee has access, to other individuals or entities.